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How Sharing The Gospel Changes The One Who Shares It

What do you get out of sharing the gospel?

If you ask nearly any evangelist why they share the gospel, almost all will joyfully exclaim, “to see the lost saved!” To be clear, we share Jesus to save the lost. That is the heart of the great commission. We should want those who do not know Jesus to come to know Him. If you are doing it to earn points with God, save your energy. You are missing the point. 

That doesn’t mean that when we seek to evangelize that we get nothing out of it. Just doing the work of the LORD is going to bear fruit in your own life. Be sure of it. It is the nature of God to bless His children. 

What should a Christian expect to happen in their lives when they seek to share Jesus with others? Well, a lot of great things! Let’s take a look at our favorites.

Sharing The Gospel Will Cause A Better Prayer Life 

Something happens on the inside of us when we decide to do something for God today. The day just hits different. Maybe you have done an evangelism project with your church or went on a mission trip with your youth group. The idea that you were on a mission from God made you feel confident that He was showing up that day. There is no doubt that He did. But He shows up for us every day. We seem not to notice sometimes. Expecting God’s presence is one manifestation of our faith in His goodness. When we expect God, we look for signs He has arrived. So it is with evangelism. 

If you pray for opportunities to share Jesus, they will present themselves. Not that they don’t present themselves on days when you don’t. You just likely are not noticing them when they materialize, or you felt caught off guard and didn’t act on it. Praying for God to show us where we can share His love to others is a great way to be mentally and spiritually available when they happen. And that is just it. Being someone who regularly wants to share Jesus with others is going to cause you to pray more. 

There are lots of reasons to pray when you purpose to evangelize. Adding more prayer to your life is never a bad thing. A mind fixed on God will find Him in more ways than before. 

Sharing Jesus Will Make You More Confident 

The best way to come out of your shell is to find reasons to emerge from it. A good number of Christians shrink back from opportunities to evangelize because of insecurities with talking to people they do not know. It is in doing the things that you are afraid to do that will help you get over it. Making ourselves available to share Jesus with strangers conjures up feelings of inadequacy, no doubt. The enemy will always fire a bunch of reasons why you are not qualified to do this kind of work. Do not listen. It is the Holy Spirit directing you anyway. Talent in talking to people is not required. 

You will find that the more you put yourself out there, the more He will fill you with His peace. That, my friends, is when your confidence will come. 

Evangelizing Will Cause You To Want To Do More For God 

We all need to start somewhere. The Bible says faith without works is dead. But working for the LORD also ironically builds faith in Him. It is the multiplication effect. If we start by fulfilling the great commission, we find ourselves wanting to do more for God than we ever thought. Letting the Holy Spirit guide you causes you to want Him to do more of it in your life. Many of us in ministry never saw ourselves doing what we are doing now. That is how cool God is. Give Him an inch, and He will take you around the world in no time. 

Hopefully, exploring the possibilities of sharing Jesus have filled you with a desire to get on out there. If you suddenly find yourself on fire to share the gospel and don’t know where to start, how about wearing one of our t-shirts and downloading our Sharing Jesus app to help you on your way? What can God do with you today? Best get started finding out. 

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