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Practical Ways To Keep Christ In Christmas

Ho, Ho, Ho, it’s the Holidays. With less than two weeks until Christmas, many Christians and Nons alike are scrambling to finish up their Christmas shopping. It’s easy to get swallowed up in the merriment and the credit card statements and forget what is worth giving this year. This Christmas, more than ever, it’s important to keep Christ in Christmas. How can we make sure we are keeping the spirit of the season fresh in our minds in the middle of Christmas events, shopping, and card sending? 

The entire reason we even have Christmas is the birth of Jesus. How fast we lose sight of the manger underneath wrapping paper and bows. The demands for delivering the perfect Christmas present and showing up at all the places are huge. But there is one who would love for you to succumb to the business of Christmas rather than the meaning. Losing focus on the reason for the season makes it his holiday and not about Jesus at all. 

Keep Christ In Christmas For Everyone Watching 

Christian, let us all be reminded one more time; they are watching us. All the people we talk about Jesus to, the ones that have yet to receive Him, are keeping track of what we do. When we make Christmas about presents and not about Jesus, they take notice. One practical way we can keep Christ in Christmas and remind the lost of the real holiday is to make sure we are putting Jesus first in all of our Christmas celebrations. 

We also need to be good witnesses to the lost in all that we do. This includes making sure that our alcohol intake is reflective of a good testimony. Christians who get drunk at holiday parties and shoot their mouths off are not good witnesses and are great excuses for the lost to ignore the importance of salvation. If we want to be ready when someone wants to talk to us about Jesus, we need to be sober-minded and ready when they need us. 

Holiday shopping can be a very stressful time for everyone. Being out and about in public can be the wrong place to lose our cool. Christians cannot afford to be ill-tempered and cranky in public. You never know who you will offend and then show up at your church next week! Keep your witness in check as much as your mood. If you are starting to feel emotionally off-balance in public, it’s time to go home. The LORD and you will both be glad you did. 

Remind Yourself To Be Grateful To The God Who Gives 

Since everyone is in a gift-giving mood, it’s a great time to remind yourself that you’ve already received the best gift there is; salvation. What more could God have given you than His son that you might be with them eternally? Is there anything the world can offer that could replace what you have? The best Christmas present ever given was Jesus. Take a moment amongst the lights and decorations to be grateful to the One who gives. Being mindful of salvation during the holiday season will do a lot to lift one’s spirits and refocus on what matters most.

Another way to be grateful for the best Christmas present ever is to make sure you regift it and give it to others who need Him. To keep Christ in Christmas, His gospel should be given the spirit of the holiday season. Remind others that the same baby we celebrate in the manger is the savior who hung on the cross for their sins. God gave everything so we would know Him. If we love our God and wouldn’t trade anything for Him, why wouldn’t we want to give this gift to other people? 

Don’t Let New Years Come Without Sharing Jesus 

It’s one thing to want to share Jesus with others to keep Christ in Christmas this year but another to plan out how to do it. Evangelism should be intentional. If we want to share the gospel, first we have to decide in our hearts to do it. Second, we have to decide how we will share the love of Christ. Ichthus VerseWear t-shirts are designed to give the wearer a plan for sharing the gospel. Our unique designs create a conversation about the Bible. All you have to do is be available to answer the questions you will get when you wear your shirt. 

Won’t you plan to share Jesus with others this holiday season and in 2021? Get your Ichthus VerseWear t-shirt today and prepare your mind and heart to share the gospel with confidence. You can feel good sharing your faith in Ichthus VerseWear evangelical t-shirts. 

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