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Why We Need To Be The Church Right Now

There is a saying that goes, “Everybody expected Somebody to do something, but Nobody did it.” As Christians, we care a lot about many things going on in the world today. At least, that is how it would appear. The noise of the Internet is full of us, clamoring to shout our positions from the rooftops of Facebook and Twitter. The volume creates a false sense of accomplishment. With all the yelling going on, what is being done to advance anything for God?

When the voices of opposition begin to annoy us, we shout them down. We come back harder…from the comfort of our homes. What happens in the space between the Internet and the communication devices in our hands? 

To Be The Church Means We’re Recruited To Do A Mission 

Did you know that the people of God are referred to as an army? There are many references to God’s people being in the military of the Kingdom of God. We are called to advance God’s kingdom on earth. To do that takes an army. That is what we are. To be an effective army, we need a plan. That plan is to advance the gospel. We also need a commander who tells us how to execute on that plan. His directions were very simple. He said, “Go.” 

Going requires more than wanting to go. Going is an action. When I think of the word “go” I think of something being propelled forward. It’s like God pushed us in the direction of the lost and said, “Go.” 

The Kingdom of God must advance. We, the Believers of Christ, are called to do it. In a world that ever more increasingly hates the truth, how can we do this effectively? Our beloved social media channels are shutting out the truth of God’s word more and more every day. Many Christians have taken to other social channels that are more accepting of Biblical views but those channels don’t have the people we are supposed to be evangelizing; the lost. 

The Church Needs To Help A Scared Generation Now 

Without the lost to evangelize, what are we doing? Are we just congratulating each other for being Christians? What good is that? It sure feels good to be among the Brethren, don’t get me wrong. As much as I am called not to forsake the Brethren, the lost need me to be the light in a dark world at some point. I’m not doing what I was asked to do from the beginning if I am not going to the people that need the love of Jesus. 

If the lost are not part of our community, then where are they going to for stability? The world is about as unstable as it can get right now. If they are not going to Jesus for refuge and strength, then where are they finding it? There is no counterfeit for the peace that transcends all understanding. No matter what you drink, smoke, buy, or who you sleep with, nothing is going to make you feel like you feel in the presence of the LORD. 

Jesus is our life and peace. If you want to know what everyone is looking for, it’s peace. But the only source of that is Jesus. If you want to help your fellow man feel at peace, you’ve got to show them the only thing that will. The best way has always been to share the gospel in person. It’s a relationship with Jesus that we need and its relationships with other people that help us find Him and grow in our faith. 

The Church Needs To Go Meet People Where They Are 

God created mankind to want to be in a community for a reason. Humans are better when they are working together or a common purpose. The Internet has all but removed that inclination from our psyche, but God didn’t forget what He told us to do. He said, “Go.” Are you going in the direction of the lost soul or to the comfort of the people who are just like you? 

People are scared. They want to know what will happen next and how to deal with it. The truth is none of us know, and we never have known. The future belongs to God. Scared people do crazy things. People make bad decisions out of fear, especially of the unknown. If you want to settle people down around you, you need to tell them how to feel better. Are you telling them about the Prince of Peace

Everyday People Need Every Day Evangelism

The good news about bringing the good news to people is you don’t have to be skilled speaker to do it. Having conversations with people about God as things come up in natural dialog is usually the best way to do it. We encounter lots of people every day, just living their lives and looking for answers. As Believers, we have what they are looking for. The best way to share it is to be yourself and fit Jesus into conversations when the situation arises.

Ichthus VerseWear’s designs are made for that purpose. We aim to help you feel good about sharing your faith because we facilitate conversations about God by the way we design our shirts. If you want to be more engaged with the lost about Jesus, we can help you get creative about making those situations happen. If saving the lost is your jam, we have a shirt for you

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